Yes, I had days where I couldn't move. Literally, it hurt to type. And yes, I thought the people on the video were insane for not taking as many breaks as I was. Then I realized it was only day 2 of the 90 days, and in time I would be able to keep up with the 349 ab reps... (yeah right!!!). But Tony reminds me to "Do your best, and forget the rest." And that's why I haven't regretted it one bit. Because I know in time, if I do my best now rather than giving up too soon, I'll have a greater outcome in the end.
Alex and I are on day 16. 74 more days to go. It's been invigorating. My energy has increased, my mind is clear, and I feel more driven than ever. I'm even applying "Do your best, and forget the rest" to my life outside of the extreme home workout. I always tend to strive for perfection. While it's a good quality to have, it's also my flaw. I find it usually holds me back, because it takes me longer to get there. I'm my biggest critique and set my standards way too high, and often feel defeated if I don't reach that point of perfection. I have this list of goals for both my personal life and business, and I'm coming to the realization that I need to just DO MY BEST and forget the rest. 2011 is my year to get past my flaw. Here's to doing YOUR best!